
Builders and Home Owners:

Tired of audio cabinets cluttered with books, toys and any of the other random items that live on a shelf? So are we! That's why we started installing custom built racks that take the place of a cluttered hallway closet and can become the media HQ of your house.

Save Time and Money...

For new homes we start from the get go in asking the builder to reserve a small space for your custom built rack. It should be somewhere easily accessible but also out of the way. Strong Mount racks save time and money because of the ergonomic work flow they provide for future visits or any expansion that may take place in the future involving your audio system.


Our installers do a great job of securing your wires so that children will not easily be able to cause harm to your home audio system. No More WEB of wires cluttering your cabinet or closet. Also, with casters attached to the bottom of your rack it is easy enough to roll out for cleaning!
